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Deep Vein Thrombosis

This condition is caused by the formation of a blood clot in the deep veins of the body. The clot can form in any vein but is most commonly located in the thigh or lower leg. Deep vein thrombosis can be dangerous because pieces of the blood clot can break away and travel to other areas of the body. If a clot travels to the lungs, a potentially life-threatening condition, known as a pulmonary embolism, can result.

Symptoms of Deep Vein Thrombosis

About half of all cases of deep vein thrombosis are accompanied by no visible symptoms. When symptoms are present, they might include:

  • Swelling of the ankle, foot and affected leg
  • Skin redness and warmth in the affected area
  • Leg pain that increases with standing or walking

Any of these symptoms warrant prompt medical attention to determine whether a blood clot is present. If deep vein thrombosis is diagnosed, there are treatment options that limit the size of the blood clot and prevent travel of the clot to the lungs or other areas of the body.

Treatment for Deep Vein Thrombosis

In most cases, deep vein thrombosis can be effectively treated through the administration of blood-thinning medications that limit the size of the clot and prevent it from traveling through the body. The medication also prevents the formation of additional clots. Blood thinning medication may be administered intravenously, by intermittent injection, or orally, depending on the patient’s unique needs and preference. Compression stockings may also be prescribed to promote healthy blood flow and prevent additional clots from forming.

Blood thinners and compression stockings do not break up clots that have already formed. If these clots are posing a serious health risk, another medication, called a thrombolytic, may be administered to break down the clot in question. Thrombolytic medications have potentially serious side effects, so they are given under the careful supervision of a physician and only in the most severe circumstances. Filter devices may also be placed into the affected vein, which allows blood to pass through but prevents the clot from traveling from its original location.

If you are experiencing any of the symptoms listed above, they could be signs of a serious condition. Contact Specialty Vein Care near Boston for a thorough analysis of your medical condition and treatment options today.